RFP Related Federal Requests
Where college football and the Freedom of Information Act intersect
It is easy to find a news story on Jim Harbaugh and the Michigan Wolverine’s football team. Whether it be about their success on the field, recruiting tactics, or where Harbaugh’s next satellite camp will be, it seems like there is always a story about them on ESPN....
FOIA Request DIY Tips
FOIA DIY Tips It's likely that "FOIA request management" wasn't in your initial job description, but the information found in them is too valuable to pass up. So if you're going to submit FOIA requests, you'll want to avoid some of the headache-inducing, time-sucking...
Our answers to common FOIA questions
What is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)? FOIA is the acronym for the Freedom of Information Act which was established in 1966 in the United States and took effect the following year. The FOIA only applies to federal agencies and does not create a right of...